Committee Members

MPI Molly Magill, MSW, PhD

Molly Magill is an Associate Professor of Behavioral and Social Sciences at the Brown University School of Public Health. Dr. Magill’s research has focused on treatment-related MOBC for the entirety of her career, and she has recently been awarded a K02 from NIAAA to intersect this work with Implementation Science.

Committee member since 2011.

MPI Stephen A. Maisto, PhD, ABPP

Stephen Maisto is a Professor of Psychology at Syracuse University. Dr. Maisto has been involved in clinical practice, research, and training on the assessment and treatment of substance use disorders, including MOBCs, for the past 35 years. He has attended the MOBC satellite meeting since its beginning.

Committee member since 2018

Brandon G. Bergman, PhD

Brandon Bergman is Associate Director of the Recovery Research Institute at the Massachusetts General Hospital and an Assistant Professor at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Bergman’s research, funded in part by an NIAAA K23, spans community-based addiction recovery support services, social technology, and the life stage of emerging adulthood.

Committee member since 2023.

Brian Borsari, PhD

Brian Borsari is a Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California-San Francisco School of Medicine and a Clinician Researcher at the San Francisco VA Medical Center. Dr. Borsari’s research interests include the treatment of addictive behaviors and the use of technology to examine intervention processes and MOBC in brief motivational interventions.

Committee member since 2018.

Katharine Bradley, MD, MPH

Katharine Bradley is a Senior Investigator at Kaiser Permanente – Washington Health Research Institute. Dr. Bradley has had a 25-year career in health services research targeting alcohol and other drug use prevention and treatment.

Committee member since 2021.

Joseph E. Glass, MSW, PhD

Joseph Glass is an Associate Investigator at Kaiser Permanente – Washington Health Research Institute. Dr. Glass’ research has focused on delivery and implementation of evidence-based alcohol and other drug interventions within health and mental health settings.

Committee member since 2021.

Brett Hagman, PhD

Brett Hagman is a Program Director of the Treatment, Health Services, and Recovery Branch at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Dr. Hagman manages the following grant portfolios in : 1) Mechanisms of Behavior Change; (MOBC) 2) Processes of Recovery; and 3) Research Methods and Statistics. His research focuses on the assessment and measurement of Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD), negative alcohol consequences in emerging adults, and MOBC that underlie how psychosocial treatments for individuals with alcohol problems work.

Committee member since 2016.

Margo Hurlocker, PhD

Margo Hurlocker is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Hurlocker’s research has focused on the prevention and treatment of substance use disorder comorbidity, and she has recently been awarded a K23 from NIDA to improve addiction treatment services with Implementation Science.

Committee member since 2023

Kevin Hallgren, PhD

Kevin Hallgren is an Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Science, at the University of Washington. Dr. Hallgren’s research includes alcohol and other drug treatment, MOBC, and the use of technology to support behavior change. Dr. Hallgren is currently conducting an NIAAA K01 project to develop and implement a tool to assess MOBC in addictions treatment.

Committee member since 2021.

Jon Houck, PhD

Jon Houck is an Associate Research Professor of Translational Neuroscience at the Mind Research Network, at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Houck’s research focuses on neurobiological mechanisms of behavior change, mechanisms of brief motivational interventions, and health disparities in brief intervention process.

Committee member since 2013.

Brian Kiluk, PhD

Brian Kiluk is an Associate Professor of Psychiatry, and the Director of Technology-Based Interventions at the Yale University School of Medicine. Dr. Kiluk’s research interests emphasize MOBC in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) as well as the development and implementation of technology-delivered CBT interventions.

Committee member since 2021.

Alexis Kuerbis, MSW, PhD

Alexis Kuerbis is an Associate Professor of Social Work at at the Silberman School of Social Work, Hunter College, CUNY. Dr. Kuerbis’ research is focused on mobile health, MOBC, and aging populations.

Committee member since 2012.

Laura Kwako, PhD

Dr. Kwako is a clinical psychologist and program officer in the Division of Treatment and Recovery, Health Services, and Recovery Branch (THSRB), at the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. Her research portfolio focuses on health services, including treatment availability, quality, and use, along with health care systems and integration of various health care services. Dr. Kwako is licensed in Washington, DC and credentialed at the NIH Clinical Research Center as a clinical psychologist.

Committee member since 2021

Allecia Reid, PhD

Allecia Reid is an Associate Professor in Psychological and Brain Sciences at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. Her research interests include identifying and differentiating mechanisms of change that support initiation versus maintenance of reduced alcohol use among young adults.

Committee member since 2023

J. Scott Tonigan, PhD

J. Scott Tonigan is Interim Director, Center on Alcoholism, Substance Abuse, and Addictions (CASAA), and Research Professor of Psychology at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Tonigan’s research has targeted the treatment of alcohol and other drug use disorders and MOBC for over 30 years. Dr. Tonigan has particular expertise in MOBC of mutual aid programs. He is a founding MOBC satellite committee member.